Sunday, February 4, 2007

Journal #2

Everything the power of the world is done in a circle

S-Native American reflection on his circular observations
O-Observing life and nature around us
A-Other Native Americans or those who view life the same
P-to convey own thought about life and send a message
S-the world, life, and circles
TONE-Philosophical, analytical, and understanding

Again, a poem that in some ways relates to me. The reason I say this is because the narrator does the same as I do; observe what is happening around me. What the author of the poem observes connects to life or the world today. Many things today take circular paths. For instance: People go from home to school or work and back, food is grown, cooked consumed, then digested, people recycle, and all of the world elements are taken, but returned. People go in a circular path as they go from being born, to growing up, reproducing, and then dying. All the elements for humanity are created in the mother’s wound and returned when the body decomposes at the graveyard. Animals circle around their pretty, certain dances are done in circles, when animals go to sleep they circle around the ground. Clocks go round, the season, and weather, go in circular motions. Many people might notice it, but don’t take the time to realize what is happening in the world around us. Many people are concentrated on making money, not knowing it is going to go back through the same system they received it from. Wars, disease, virus, death, life, and people come and go. When people shoot guns, their shooting round of bullets, when people rap the go for rounds, when people box they go rounds, many sports balls are circular, and the game go back and forth. I myself am making circles around pools when I clean them. Circular motion is part of life. Regardless of what people try to do, it will stay in motion.

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