Sunday, January 28, 2007

Discovering my Voice

Some people have found their voice, but others haven’t, or just don’t know they have a voice. As for me, I have not found or recognized my voice. Since I don’t write much I don’t know what it could be, and when I do write its for Laura, so you can imagine what voice that is.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. (Aristotle)


AD said...

I like your poem, it is short and sweet. You get straight to the point without losing the attention of the readers. This is truly your voice; it is optimistic but true to the situation and environment you come from. That is not to bad but positive thoughts almost always leads to happy endings. Basically the sun will shine on you sooner or later.


Payking said...

i really enjoy reading your poem. your poem allows me to create a connection between my voice that i have now and the voice that i had 5 years ago.